Logan has been my best friend, since the fourth grade. He is one of the most decent, reliable, trustworthy, intelligent, considerate and normal people, I know. The guy is brilliant really, and consumes books, like most people watch TV. He is often my personal information center, for questions about history, and computers. In my opinion, he is a better person than, I am. More responsible, and never fucked anyone over in his whole life. He has almost an innocent quality about him. The perfect mark, for a BPD succubus from hell.
A decade ago, when I moved to L.A., Logan's family coincidentally moved to Vegas. He started a new life there, and was happy to leave the scumbag losers of our home town behind. His new life took off, as he took work at a college, and was promoted quickly, due to his organized, disciplined ways. It wasn't long after, he was assigned student volunteers, when he met a toxic bitch, straight from the abyss. Lets call her, Evilynn.
Evilynn, began flirting with Logan, and teasing him with her sexual fantasies. She began sexting him, with the wild things things she wanted to do, with him. If you knew Logan, and the shy, and lonely type of nice guy he is, you'd know, the excitement, and attention of this was irresistible to him. It got him high, and feeling great, and addicted to that feeling. Unfortunately, this mind screwing whore, began making dates, promises, and invitations that, she backed out of at the last minute, only to reassure him, and do it again. He spent thousand planning the greatest dates ever, only to be stood up. He would get shit faced waiting by himself, and fell into depression.
Eventually, he meet another BPD girl at the bar, that took him home and screwed his brains out. She was psycho, but fullfilled every sexual fantasy he was promised, by Evilynn. Having never really even kissed or even touched Evilynn, she faded away, and he stopped giving her attention.
A few month passed of no contact, and Evilynn found out about the relationship, and decided to accuse Logan of sexual harrassment, showing the school photos, he sent her, of his book collection, proving a personal relationship. When he explained they never had a relationship, and showed her sexual texts, it didn't matter. He was fired, and soon, lost his apartment, and had to move back in with his parents. The trauma and loss from this humiliating, and financially devestating blow, still has not corrected itself years later. He is not the same, psychologically, and struggles with stress, and severe depression. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.