Sunday, May 21, 2017

BPD or just an immature selfish bitch

A new post after a long enjoyable affair with little Miss, Sweet Minx. Alas, it seems to have come to an end. A pity, but the result of enforcing healthy boundaries.

I cannot lie. Dating a girl half your age is not the best idea if you are looking for a loving wife. Fortunately for me, I knew that going in. What can I say, after years of recovering from a BPD my own age, the opportunity fell in my lap, and I could not resist indulging this sexy young woman offering herself to me.

Back to boundaries. They are the most important lesson you will learn from the soul crushing aftermath of your BPD relationship. Having healthy boundaries applies for all relationships, not just the ones involving bona fide emotional disorders. Miss Sweet Minx is the second girlfriend I've had since Miss BPD, and in both cases, enforcing healthy boundaries protected my heart from the delusion of endless romantic fantasy love many "healthy?" women seem to operate on.

The lesson here is this. All women are totally insane.... Just kidding, but it's fair to say people are crazy as hell, and when it comes to relationships, things like self awareness, reason, and healthy thinking can get very blurry for even the most seemingly healthy people.

As for Ms. Sweet Minx, I cannot say she had a disorder, but recognizing red flag behaviors like frequent anxiety, and  depression cannot be ignored no matter how subtle the pattern develops. Enforcing healthy boundaries will  cause everyday spoiled, selfish, little shits to expose themselves as untrustworthy users who don't really love you, or deserve you. Inevitably if you simply stand your ground, they will blow themselves up in their frustration to manipulate you into a submissive servant of their unquenchable emotional whims.

Does it hurt? Sure, it does, but it's not devastating because you saw it coming a mile away. In the end when they project, blame and devalue you, to justify selling you out for a more vulnerable source of narcissistic supply, you'll see them for who they really are. You'll grudgingly accept it, and let them fade into fond memories of a pretty good blow job.  Good for you.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

BPD: I love you , man.

So here I am five years in the future getting wildly banged by a sexy little minx more than half my age. I got to tell you; It is unbelievable how aggressive, thorough, and a totally satisfying lover, this girl is. She is hands down the best lover I've ever had. No bullshit. As eager to please as a porn star, and seemingly totally in love with me. I got to say; I totally deserve it.  

Anyway... I wish, five years ago, I had known that this was waiting for me in my future. I bet the knowledge may have helped avoid that soul crushing hole of depression I tripped into. I might not have made such an ass of myself whining over my broken heart for so long. I might even have brushed myself off quickly, and accomplished something for myself in that first year. 

It's hard to say. Maybe I needed to go through that hell. Maybe I needed to be broken down, so I could put myself back together stronger than before. Maybe that had to happen so I could experience something really good.

You're going to be alright. I love you, man.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

BPD break up, out of the frying pan and into the fire

So you have been betrayed, and discarded by an emotionally traumatized adult child, and now you are suffering the withdrawal from the fantasy of love, and a false reality you have come to identify as your world. Adrenaline pumps through you as if you're in danger. Obsessive negative thoughts flood your head in visions like a DVD player on fast forward. Your stomach suffers an infestation of psychotic butterflies, and you've just discovered a new weight loss program that really works well. Depression has arrived, and rushed in to fill the void of your missing world. You attempt to cope.

Your first instinct is denial. You just want the pain to go away, and like a junky you will do and say anything to return to your comfort zone. You want answers, and you'll seek them from anyone, searching for the magic potion to make your significantly damaged other return to you. You'll dive head first into the hands of  hustlers and parasites waiting to capitalize and profit on your pain.

You'll consume horoscopes, Tarot readings, and even psychic palm readers looking for hope. You spend hours taking advice from an industry of parasites who want to give you the guaranteed formula to get your ex back, and psychologically trick them into being in love with you, for a discounted price if you buy NOW.

Do yourself a huge favor and fuck those scumbag predators. They will prolong your pain, with their false hope, secret knowledge, and bargain bullshit. That's the last crap you need. Numbing the pain with drugs, and alcohol has more class than those parasites.

Your only path to recovering from this is loving and defending yourself. If you have a few good friends, and family members, you don't even need a therapist to guide you back to healthy thinking. You need to focus on the "truths", not the fantasies, if only's, or I should haves.

1. Devalue the twisted opinions, criticism, and delusions of your ex, because they have no value.

2. Forgive yourself for being unaware of your ex's true identity, and weak character.

3. Set some simple positive goals, and habits that will pay off down the road.

4. Don't sit around doing nothing, get out there and build new memories. Give your mind something to do.

5. Exorcize, exsorcise, excersize,  any way you spell it, it pays dividends.

6. Be proud you are the good guy. There is no substitute for being the good guy.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How to break up with someone

The reason you are in so much pain, is because you have been betrayed, cut off and abandoned cold by someone you loved. Remember this pain, and never, ever do that to another human being. Especially if you find yourself dating another emotionally disturbed person, and have to call it quits. You take their calls, and you stand your ground, and you hold their hand through it. You let them know you still care about them, while enforcing your boundaries. Even if you are right, and they are assholes. Why, because its your responsibility as a human. That is all.

Monday, April 28, 2014

BPD... The Fragile Nutter

So years ago this thin and reasonably attractive girl gives me one of the best compliments I've ever gotten, and that's saying a lot. It was so good I was embarrassed, and she did it in front of a whole bunch of people including a smoking hot Aussie, that looked at me stunned when she heard it. It made me feel pretty good. The sucker for flattery that I am, had a new friend. Lets call her, Twiggy. I would run into her at work often and smoke cigarettes, and have long talks about all sorts of things. She was cute, shy, and a little bohemian homely but I kind of like that, and she really seemed the want me. Before long I agreed to give her what she obviously wanted, and we were set to go out on a date. When the time came I gave her a call and I don't know what changed but she became very nervous and paranoid, so I said okay and backed out gracefully. I met another girl and fell in love.
  Twiggy and I continued to chat at work, and she mentioned all the wild sex she was having with her new boyfriend. Years later after I went through my heartbreaking ordeal, Twiggy and I started talking again more often. She had been through an abusive relationship, and we talked about these issues, and all we had learned from our experiences. She ended up moving back home to Florida temporarily. Months later I get a call and Twiggy wants to come back to L.A. soon, and wants to know if she can move in with me. I'm considering it, because I'm over my break up, sort of, and lonely, and just want to move on, but still its a lot. She's suggesting we get romantic, but take it slow, and she doesn't have the money yet, so we have time. I agreed, and we talked on the phone here and there for months. Anyway, we are talking as usual, and I'm flirting with her, and trying to make her feel good, and I mention I can't wait to jump her bones. I guess that was bad, because she exploded into a long hysterical hissy fit, accusing me of all sorts of absurd things, like I violated her, and it became obvious she was spying on me, on facebook, and reading into my every innocent comment. I'd seen that behavior before, and was quite educated about it. I stood my ground calmly and shook my head. This was no normal shy girl, she was a fragile nutter, and I wrote her off quick. She left me a few more paranoid texts, but once you've gone through this with someone you were deeply in love with, and climbed, and educated your way back to sanity, with an understanding of what is going on, these looney tunes cannot rattle you. You'll feel like your dealing with a child, and you kinda are. Sad. Oh well, your loss Twiggy. The second you hear that explosive raging rant, you know you are dealing with an abusive control freak, hiding behind a victim mask. Don't think lowering your standards will buy you any appreciation, or loyalty. It doesn't work like that, you're just selling yourself short.

Monday, October 7, 2013

BPD: She came back

So after three years, I  finally got to see her, face to face. I couldn't resist the opportunity to see what I had been so upset over, for so long. The after math, had become bigger than her, and lasted more than twice as long as the relationship, itself.
  I was worried all those emotions would pour out, but also wanted them to, at the same time. I think, I wanted her to see, the tormenting pain she put me through. It didn't happen. We went to lunch and talked as if nothing had happened, and it was as comfortable, as if nothing had happened. She told me she was planning to leave (AKA)Jimmy, the abusive, old, fat, finally employed, guy she was living with, but couldn't move back to LA.  Later, we briefly hung out, in her hotel room, and hugged, and said goodbye.
  Two weeks later, she posted on FB something about " With out, (AKA) Jerry, she has no reason to be here", and  swallowed a whole bottle of Xanax, and tried to kill herself. She had to be revived several times, and spent a few days in the hospital. They diagnosed her with PTSD, and recommended therapy. I am glad, she is getting help, but all I can wonder is, who the fuck is Jerry?

So, there it is... It is what it is... I'm not going to rant about my selfish feelings, when I know she is really sick, and can't help it, and, I am not, and can...but if I was. It would sound like this...

Are you fucking kidding me! You broke my heart, to bounce from weirdo's to losers, and kill yourself? That, is what I suffered for? They're not even good looking, or have money either. At least, I'm an extra handsome bastard, who made you laugh, and committed to you. Bitch, do you have any idea of how many irresistible invitations, I resisted, for you? You just threw it away, for nothing. You were special, to me. You were the one worth sacrificing for.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

BPD: Hoover, She's coming back

It has been three years, and one week, since I was burned by the person, I love most. I'd be lying to say, I haven't thought about her everyday since. This is the girl, that gave birth to this blog, that we are talking about.

After the first year of hell, where I was shut out completely, we had a once a month, or two, communication. She is with some guy, and not happy with him. Lately we share a brief text, with more frequency. Today, she unloaded on me, with an apology that made me cry. She is admitting she went crazy, and made big mistakes, she wants to correct. She is telling me she is coming home soon, and how much she loves me, misses me, and is so sorry. She even mentioned she wants a do over, and she doesn't want to be sick, anymore. She seems to have found Jesus, too. As much as I have prayed, dreamed, and hoped to hear those words, they have been my greatest fear for a while now. What's scarier, is, I believe, she believes it. She friended me, on Facebook, after being blocked, this whole time.

Why is it my greatest fear? Because I love this fucked up girl, more than anything, and know, I have no ability to resist, that which, I want most, even though, it will fucking kill me. How could I take her back? All the people that consoled me, cared about me, and nursed me back to health, would flip the fuck out. I would be walking on egg shells, waiting for it to happen again. Knowing, odds are, it will. Is a few months of pure happiness, and great sex, worth that? I feel like Frodo, holding the ring, over the lava, of Mount Doom. My precious. "Just throw it in, you little Hobbit bastard"!